Supreme Court Blog

 After reading the article about the Supreme Court a few things stood out to me. I did not know that the court started out with only six justices. It makes sense that it was later changed to nine, in order for there never to be a tie vote. I also did not know that the Supreme Court chief Justice is the one who presides over trials of impeachment over the President of the United States. This just proves that the system of checks and balances put in place works because it is a perfect example of one branch of government keeping the other in line. The Supreme Court is known as the highest court in the land and their decisions on cases is final. Thousands of cases get brought to the Supreme Court a year and they have to carefully choose the ones that they will take. The ones that they do take on usually have to deal with issues that effect not only those involved in the case but that will have an effect on many Americans. Many Supreme Court cases gain lots of public attention and people tend to feel strongly about them. 

Supreme Court

I was surprised after reading the article that it did not touch more upon Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her legacy to the Supreme Court. The article briefly mentions the notable members who served on the court but it did not mention her name. The justices are nominated by the President and then approved by the Senate. Once justices are approved they then serve on the court for a life term. The only way they can be removed from office is by impeachment. These nine justices dedicate their lives to serving on the court and making decisions that impact the lives of many Americans. 


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