There are eight values of free expression. The first value is marketplace of ideas, which is about truth and falsehood, and that the truth will always win. The second value is participation in self government, which highlights the importance of an informed electorate involved in debate. The third is stable change, which argues that people will feel more stable in a society where they can speak their mind and "vent" about their opinions. The fourth value is individual self-fulfillment, which states that freedom of speech becomes an aspect of ones human dignity. The fifth is check on governmental power, which enables people to learn the truth about candidates and do with that information what they please. The sixth value is to promote tolerance, which basically means that in some cases hate speech is good because people can learn from it and therefore learn to tolerate more things in a society. The seventh is to promote innovation and to promote freedom of speech and ideas so that our society will flourish. The eighth and final value is protecting dissent which means that it is your patriotic duty to criticize the government and to give your opinion no matter how unpopular it may be.
The value that resonates with me the most and the one I find to be the most important is "Promote Innovation". This value states that in a community where free speech is valued and protected that community is more likely to be more energized, creative and fulfilled. Just think of a community where people are free to be as creative and inspired as they like without fearing ridicule. That is a type of community that would prosper and always be moving forward. I resonate with this value because I am a very creative person and I think peoples creativity needs to be praised and not looked down upon. While there are outlets for people to express themselves like social media, there will always be those who will use those platforms in a derogatory way to bring you down. I think this also goes hand in hand with the value to "Promote Tolerance". Promoting tolerance and promoting innovation can sometimes clash with one another though. While people want to feel free from ridicule and feel free to express themselves, people also want to be able to share their not so popular opinions. There has to be a steady balance between the two for a society to thrive. This is something that changes with generations and societies. In todays society people tend to get easily offended, making it hard for innovation of tolerance to be accepted. People must learn to decipher what is truly hate speech and what is just someone sharing an unpopular opinion. If we as a society can learn to live with one another and learn to live with criticism then we would prosper.
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